For the record, I am head over heels in love with the LSU campus. I have known this for quite some time, but I became much more aware of this yesterday evening during a spur of the moment photo shoot for my friends James, Conner, Daniel, Bo, & Laura. James, as I have come to realize recently, is a phenomenal painter, and he need some pictures for inspiration for a painting that he wants to do for one of his art classes. It was my pleasure to help him out. We started out at his favorite oak tree behind the bell tower in central campus. Posing was quick, although Daniel seemed like he wasn't crazy about having to sit on the ground and show his white socks. And Laura moved around a lot, with a few awkward leg moments, but we did manage to get a good "serious face" picture. I used the Pioneer Woman "Seventies" photoshop action for all three of these pictures that I used in this post.
James needed face shots as well, so we did close ups of everyone (I won't post all those, because they're rather unremarkable, just a color/bw photo of each person, one smiling, one serious). As the sun continued to set we hightailed it over to the Greek Ampitheatre just another 2 minute walk over to East Campus (thank you, Conner, for the great idea). It seemed like most of the pictures would have made awesome CD covers. Laura said they're gonna start a band now just because they have some awesome cover art now. ;) Here's the best one of the series at the Ampitheatre.
Then, of course, we had to goof off a little. Time for some silly pics. Had such a fun time during this brief hour with these amazing people. Can't wait to see James' painting!